Facilitator Spotlight

Tara McGrath, Dimbulah Branch

This month we would like to highlight Tara McGrath from Dimbulah Branch in the Atherton Tableland Division of the QCWA. Here are a few words from Tara about her time as a facilitator:

I am a new facilitator to the program, having only signed up in July last year. I am currently studying a
Bachelor of Health Science majoring in nutrition, health promotion and allied psychology. Nutrition is
something that I’m very passionate about, and I felt it was only fitting to be a part of this great initiative.

Volunteering as a facilitator of the Country Kitchens program has allowed me to put into practice my passion for nutrition within my community and has given me the tools to start making my dreams a reality. I believe education is key, so becoming involved in this initiative will help create awareness and instill health and wellness into our communities.

I have started working with my Country Kitchens buddy to plan promotions for healthy food ideas for lunchboxes within local businesses, as well as workshops and nutrition education at the local kindergarten.

In her short time as a facilitator, Tara has already completed Levels 1-4 of the Country Kitchens training PATHway and has helped run some Hands on Nutrition Workshops for the Year 10 students at Malanda State High School. Check out some photos from the workshops below!

If you or someone you know is keen to work with the QCWA Country Kitchens program, we are always looking to increase our volunteer workforce. To learn all about what we do, please get in touch with the team on 0417 539 663, or head to our website: qcwacountrykitchens.com.au

Other Country Kitchens Facilitators

Gabriella Field, Tin Can Bay Virtual Branch Member

Gabriella Field, Tin Can Bay Virtual Branch Member

This month we would like to highlight Gabriella Field from QCWA Tin Can Bay Branch in Gympie and South Burnett Division. Here are a few words from Gabriella about being a Country Kitchens facilitator: I became a Country Kitchens facilititator in April 2022 and in...

Lyn Tucker, Bundaberg Branch

Lyn Tucker, Bundaberg Branch

This month we would like to highlight Lyn Tucker from QCWA Bundaberg Branch in Burnett Division. Here are a few words from Lyn about being a Country Kitchens facilitator: I have been with Country Kitchens for two years and am from the Bundaberg branch, Burnett...

Colleen Dunn, Glenmorgan Branch

Colleen Dunn, Glenmorgan Branch

This month we would like to highlight Colleen from Glenmorgan Branch in Maranoa Division. Here are a few words from Colleen about why she decided to become a Country Kitchens facilitator: I have been a part of the Country Kitchens program for 2 years now and decided...

Belinda Thorburn, Gracemere Branch

Belinda Thorburn, Gracemere Branch

This month we would like to highlight Belinda Thorburn from QCWA Gracemere Branch in Capricornia Division. Here are a few words from Belinda about being a Country Kitchens facilitator: I joined the Country Kitchens program almost two years ago. I am a wife and mother...

Michele Connors, Emu Park Branch

Michele Connors, Emu Park Branch

This month we would like to highlight Michele Connors from Emu Park Branch in Capricornia Division.Michele embarked on her journey as a facilitator in September 2022. With a background in teaching and a passion for cooking and education, she has seamlessly integrated...