About Us
What is Country Kitchens
The Queensland Country Women’s Association’s (QCWA) Country Kitchens program is a health promotion program supporting communities across Queensland to adopt healthier lifestyle behaviours.
It is a partnership between the QCWA and the Queensland Government, funded through Health and Wellbeing Queensland.
The Country Kitchens program supports QCWA volunteer Branch and Supporter members, who already have a wealth of cooking knowledge and skills, with training and support to help improve the health and wellbeing of Queenslanders, particularly those living in rural, regional and remote locations.
The Country Kitchens team of Dietitians and Nutritionists provide a training PATHway and support QCWA members who volunteer to become facilitators of the program. Country Kitchens facilitators deliver health promotion activities in their local communities and partner with organisations such as schools, local councils and a wide range of community groups.
In this way the QCWA’s Country Kitchens program is improving food and nutrition literacy, and importantly, influencing behavioural change at a grass roots level, statewide.
Connecting women who have the power to heal their communities
The QCWA’s Country Kitchens program aims to improve food and nutrition literacy amongst Queenslanders.
The program has three fundamental objectives:

To engage with a volunteer workforce of QCWA Branch and Supporter members building skills in health promotion and food and nutrition literacy.

To empower both QCWA Branch and Supporter members and their communities to initiate and/or participate in healthy lifestyle initiatives that will result in positive lifestyle behaviour changes.

To support the engaged QCWA members (Branch and Supporter Facilitators) in their community and organisational capacity building to:
- Deliver community activities
- Increase food and nutrition literacy
- Develop skills and knowledge in health promotion
About the program
The program provides a range of resources, training materials, network support and advocacy, enabling each Branch Facilitator and Supporter member Facilitators to build capacity and confidence to:
- Better understand the goals of the program
- Promote Country Kitchen’s 5 key messages
- Develop localised health promotion activities
- Learn more about the Australian Dietary Guidelines and National Physical Activity and Sedentary Guidelines

Meet the Team

Facilitators in the Spotlight