This month we sit down and have a chat with Glynis Stevenson from QCWA Chinchilla, who has been part of the Country Kitchens program since Day 1 and was integral in the rolling out and uptake of the program across the Southern Region. Glynis became a Country Kitchens facilitator because she enjoyed working with people and sharing cooking skills but feels she has got more out of the program than she ever imagined: “Country Kitchens has given me a voice. I now have the confidence to stand up for those who are unable to stand up for themselves in advocating for better health in our communities. I love this program and it us such a great way for QCWA to connect and serve local communities.” Being able to transfer knowledge gleaned through the Country Kitchens training PATHway has also been an unexpected win; finishing all 6 levels of the PATHway in May 2023.
Glynis is extremely supportive of CK activities in her region and holds the Country Kitchen Division Convenor position for the Maranoa Division. She looks for opportunities for branches to hold Country Kitchen activities and attends these in support when able. Working with smaller groups through the delivery of Hands on Nutrition Workshops has been a highlight as she has seen the difference that these sessions can make for participants.
What does she enjoy most about being a Facilitator?
“Knowing I am part of a bigger picture in improving community health and wellbeing. The support that I receive from the Country Kitchens Team is second to none and enables Facilitators and I to undertake meaningful local activities.”
Thank you, Glynis, for promoting the Country Kitchens in everything that you do. Over the years you have made a significant impact on the health of individuals within your branch and your community; it has not gone unnoticed. Your passion for the program is compelling, we can’t help but come along for the ride.
If you or someone you know is keen to work with the QCWA Country Kitchens program, we are always looking to increase our volunteer workforce. To learn all about what we do, please get in touch with the team on 0417 539 663, or head to our website.